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Reflection 5: The 7 Principles

Defining happiness has proved not to be an easy exercise, so it might appear ambitious to divide it into sub-principles, as Achor did in his book. In this reflection, I want to review to seven principles of happiness, one by one, and to react to them based on my personal experience of life and of happiness. The Happiness Advantage This is the idea that we can improve our mood through a happiness ethic composed of habits and behaviors that provides us with endorphins and dopamines, and therefore makes us happier. This consists in meditation, having plans we are excited to realize, committing acts of kindness, infusing positivity, exercising and spending money on non-material things and exercise a signature strength. I believe this principle is effective as it creates a difference in our daily lives The Fulcrum and the Lever This principle is about our minds and how we adjust them to see reality. This is what allows us to go further in achieving the best version of ourselves an

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